03-01-2025, 08:42 PM | #1 If you experience any glitches or trouble navigating the forum, please let us know here so we can look into it. Your feedback is valuable! Thanks so much! ~Rissa~
03-05-2025, 03:23 AM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2025, 03:28 AM by rissaturner.) | #2 New features: * mentions - you can now mention other users in posts by typing the @ symbol and then typing or selecting a user from the list (similar to Facebook) * Likes - you can now like posts to show the author that you appreciate the post *Updated Quick Reply - instead of having to click on the blue "post reply" and be loaded into another page with the big editor, there is now a mini version at the bottom of each thread * All classified posts require a captcha to post - an added security measure to help keep our members safe from scammers and fake posts. *Improved Image Viewer - Nicer image viewer for images added into posts.
03-12-2025, 07:10 AM (This post was last modified: 03-12-2025, 07:16 AM by rissaturner.) | #3 New features: *Forum theme has been updated to a dark theme that is easier on the eyes and is more mobile responsive for users accessing the forum from a mobile device. * Photo Uploads have been modified so that mobile users can add images from their phones to their posts. Images appear as thumbnails in the posts but are enlarged when clicked (or tapped in mobile version) At this time you can only attach up to 5 photos to a post. Larger images may be automatically resized to save server space. *shoutbox chat has been added to the forum page. To view it, click the chat icon on the right hand side of the page under the image scroller. The chat is public so all users can utilize it. You must be viewing the desktop version of the site to see the chatbox. To do this on an android mobile device, click the three dots in the upper right hand corner of a browser window and then select the "desktop site" checkbox.