Midwest Squawk Talk
Avocado - Printable Version

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Avocado - BudgieJen - 03-07-2025

My budgie avocado started acting sick about 3 weeks ago. She was fluffed, sitting on the bottom of the cage. Not very active. I took her to the vet. She was a little underweight at 28 grams. She also wasn’t using her right foot to grip. 

Dr Brad thinks she has a tumor pressing on the leg. We gave her some pain meds and antibiotics to see if anything would improve. 

She eats, drinks and poops. But she only perches on her food now which has a wider perch. Otherwise she’s usually on the bottom of the cage. Seems to be feeling fine, just has a bum leg. 

She seems to like a rope perch so I’m going to do some rearranging tomorrow to make her more comfortable. She’s going to continue to live in the hospital cage so other budgies can’t pick on her. But I’m moving it next to the flock cage so they can still chatter. Tomorrows agenda.

RE: Avocado - BudgieJen - 03-08-2025

Avocado passed today.

RE: Avocado - rissaturner - 03-08-2025

Oh, I'm so sorry Jen.  Cry *hugs*